Quantitative and Digital Law Lab

From the laws of physics to the physics of law

Our Sponsors


We are a team of scientists specialised in the application of mathematical models to the legal world. From the intricacies of legal corpuses to the functioning of democracy – the legal world is by its nature complex. We believe that mathematical tools rooted in complexity science will deepen our understanding of this fascinating world and help to solve one the most pressing societal issues of our time.



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Dr. Pierpaolo Vivo

Pierpaolo is a Reader in Disordered Systems in the Department of >Mathematics and has joined King’s College London in 2014. He is a statistical physicist interested in the application of mathematical methods to real-life problems. His long-time goal is to measure and tame the complexity of the UK legal system advocating a new digital, network-based approach to the visualisation and quantitative analysis of legal provisions. His research is supported by a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship.

Dr. Alessia Annibale
Dr. Alessia Annibale

Alessia joined the Disordered Systems and Neural Networks group as a Lecturer in the Department of Mathematics, King’s College London, in September 2007, after completing her PhD at King’s. She brings to the team her expertise on network theory and non-equilibrium dynamics and her passion for understanding and modelling real-world complex systems. Alessia is now Senior Lecturer in Disordered Systems.

Evan Tzanis
Dr. Evan Tzanis

Evan joined the Group in June 2020. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from University College London.

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Yanik-Pascal Förster

Yanik is a PhD student in applied mathematics at King's College London. With a background in mathematical physics, he tries to model and analyse the interaction between legislation, courts, and the people, and thus to define a measure of complexity for legal systems. Yanik is a member of the CANES Centre for Doctoral Training funded by the EPSRC.

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Luca Gamberi

Luca has joined the Disordered System Group at King's as a PhD student after completing the M.Sc. in Complex Systems Modelling. He is interested in applications of Complex Network Theory ranging from social science to biology. His main research focus is on modelling parliamentary systems and studying their stability.


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Legal Complexity

Which factors influence the structural complexity of a corpus of laws, and how can we measure it? Algorithmic information theory applied to legal networks holds the key…

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Parliamentary Dynamics

What is the optimal size of a parliament? What factors affect parliamentary efficiency? We apply tools from network theory and complexity science to unravel the emerging dynamics of representative democracy.

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Litigation Modelling

We investigate how parties decide between taking legal action and settling a dispute. We also try to understand the role that precedents and structural features of the judiciary system play in the world of litigation.


  • Dept. of Mathematics King's College
    London Strand London WC2R 2LS
    United Kingdom

  • +44 020 7848 2864

  • info@quantlaw.co.uk